Fdt Workflow Enhancement Fast Reloading

27 August 2009

A while ago I wrote the short article ‘Automatically refreshing page on focus‘.

Eric-Paul Lecluse found a really nice way to enhance this. He wrote about it on his blog, I would recommend reading it if you use Firefox to test your work from FDT.

He uses Fresno to refresh the browser from the command line, and as we know! Command line tools can be used with ANT!! (Whoohoo)

The ANT task for this could be this:

<target name="focus Firefox and reload page">
  <exec executable="open">
    <arg line="-a Firefox" />
  <exec executable="flash/tools/fresno/fresno">
    <arg line="-j 'content.location.reload()'" />

I have been using it for a week now and it works like a charm!

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Hello, I'm Jankees van Woezik

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