As3 Srt Subtitle Parser

29 July 2009

Today I started to work on a .srt driven subtitle system for Flash, I just finished that converts the srt file to a native flash object.

Below is a short sample of a srt file.

00:00:20,000 --> 00:00:24,400
In connection with a dramatic increase
in crime in certain neighbourhoods,
00:00:24,600 --> 00:00:27,800 
the government is implementing a new policy...

I created the following classes to read these files. (any suggestions are welcome!)

Special thanks to Thijs Broerse of Media Monks, for the stringToSeconds function

package {
   *  @author Jankees.van.Woezik
  public class SubtitleParser {
    public static function parseSRT(data : String) : Array {
      var result : Array = new Array();
      var lines : Array;
      var translation : SubTitleData;
      var blocks : Array = data.split(/^[0-9]+$/gm);
      for each (var block : String in blocks) {
        translation = new SubTitleData();
        lines = block.split('\n');
        for each (var line : String in lines) { 
          //all lines in a translation block
          if(trim(line) != "") {
            if(line.match("-->")) { 
              //timecodes line
              var timecodes : Array = line.split(/[ ]+-->[ ]+/gm);
              if(timecodes.length != 2) {
                trace("Translation error, something wrong with the start or end time");              
              } else {
                translation.start = stringToSeconds(timecodes[0]);
                translation.end = stringToSeconds(timecodes[1]);
                translation.duration = translation.end - translation.start;
                if(translation.duration < 0) {
                  trace("Translation error, something wrong with the start or end time");              
            } else { 
              //translation line
              if(translation.text.length != 0) line = "\n" + trim(line);
              translation.text += line;
      return result;
    public static function trim(p_string : String) : String {
      if (p_string == null) { 
        return ''; 
      return p_string.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
     * Convert a string to seconds, with these formats supported:
     * 00:03:00.1 / 03:00.1 / 180.1s / 3.2m / 3.2h / 00:01:53,800
     * Special thanks to Thijs Broerse of Media Monks!
    public static function stringToSeconds(string : String) : Number {
      var arr : Array = string.split(':');
      var sec : Number = 0;
      if (string.substr(-1) == 's') {
        sec = Number(string.substr(0, string.length - 1));
      }else if (string.substr(-1) == 'm') {
        sec = Number(string.substr(0, string.length - 1)) * 60;
      }else if(string.substr(-1) == 'h') {
        sec = Number(string.substr(0, string.length - 1)) * 3600;
      }else if(arr.length > 1) {
        if(arr[2] && String(arr[2]).indexOf(',') != -1) arr[2] = String(arr[2]).replace(/\,/, ".");
        sec = Number(arr[arr.length - 1]);
        sec += Number(arr[arr.length - 2]) * 60;
        if(arr.length == 3) {
          sec += Number(arr[arr.length - 3]) * 3600;
      } else {
        sec = Number(string);
      return sec;

package {
  public class SubTitleData {
    public var text : String;
    public var start : Number;
    public var duration : Number;
    public var end : Number;
    public function SubTitleData(inText : String = "",inStart : Number = 0,inDuration : Number = 0,inEnd : Number = 0) {
      text = inText;
      start = inStart;
      duration = inDuration;
      end = inEnd;
    public function toString() : void {
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Hello, I'm Jankees van Woezik

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